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Shopping Tips

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Tips for Making Your WIC Shopping Experience Easier

Before you head to the grocery store with your WIC EBT Card, keep these tips in mind to make your shopping experience easier and more enjoyable. 

Shopping Tips

Using the NM WIC EBT card:

  • Take the EBT card to each WIC appointment so staff can put food benefits on the card.
  • Use all the benefits before the end of the month. Any food benefits left on the WIC EBT card don’t roll over to the next month.
  • If the WIC EBT card doesn’t work, call the local WIC clinic or take the EBT card to the clinic.
  • If the WIC EBT card is lost or stolen, call and report it to the local WIC clinic or call 866-867-3124 so the card can be locked. It may take up to 4 business days to get a new card at the WIC clinic.

Using the card reader at the grocery store:

  • Tell the cashier a NM WIC card will be used to pay for all or part of the purchase.
  • The cashier will say when to insert your card in the card reader and when to enter your PIN.
  • Leave the card in the card reader until the cashier says to take it out.

If foods don’t scan at the register: 

  • Check the size and brand against the NM WIC Foods Shopping Guide
  • Be sure there are enough benefits left on the EBT card for the item.
  • If the item should be covered by WIC benefits, please write down or take a picture of the item (including the UPC code), and send to the NM WIC Vendor Team at doh-wic_vendorsection@state.nm.us.  (Please be sure to include return contact information in the email.)
  • If you have any problems at the grocery store, call 505-469-0929 or email doh-wic_vendorsection@state.nm.us.


Check and save all store receipts:

  • Check the “Items Purchased” on the receipt.
  • Make sure all WIC foods that were bought are on the receipt.
  • Save the receipt(s)!! The receipt(s) will show beginning benefits balance, the total WIC purchase, and what benefits are left on the WIC EBT card.