Grocery Store News
News and Information About WIC Grocery Stores
The grocery store and food industry are always making changes. Whether it’s a new store, or a new brand of food, changes occur almost daily. New Mexico WIC works with grocery store chains, independent stores, and food manufactures to make sure we are keeping up to serve New Mexico WIC families.
Recall Alert!
June 2023
There is a massive recall of frozen fruits issued across the country including New Mexico. For more information use the link below.

Homemade Infant Formula
Parents and caregivers: Do not dilute infant formula and or make homemade infant formula. It can be dangerous for your baby! Learn more here:
Grocery Store News
Heavy metals in rice-based baby foods has been circulating in the Media. Baby food manufacturers have continued to work with government agencies to meet regulatory standards and to ensure the safety of their customers. Despite all the transparency, it can be confusing to navigate the issue of heavy metals in baby foods. If you are looking for tips on how to select baby foods to maximize the health of you and your baby, use the links below for some helpful tips and answers to a few frequently asked questions about this topic.