Community Partners
Community Partners Play a Key Role in Supporting WIC Families
The New Mexico WIC Program works with multiple community partners to help create a safety net for New Mexico families to ensure better health outcomes.
This is your portal to quickly and easily apply, check, update, or renew for a variety of public assistance programs. Create an account now to apply for and access your status for various benefits such as:
- Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
- Food Assistance (SNAP)
- Cash Assistance (TANF)
- Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
NM Opioid Hub
The purpose of the New Mexico Opioid Hub is to address the tremendous opioid crisis by expanding access to treatment, reducing unmet treatment needs, and reducing opioid overdose-related deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, and recovery services for Opioid Use Disorders (OUDs) in New Mexico.
A Dose of Reality
Learn about how to use and store your medication safely; how to dispose of unused opioids; the risks of dependency and mixing multiple drugs, including alcohol; and how to prevent an overdose, and where to get and how to use Narcan.
UNM Health Milagro Program
Milagro was founded in 1989 as New Mexico’s first comprehensive prenatal care program for pregnant women with substance use disorders. The program provides women and families prenatal care, medical addition therapy, counseling and case management support at UNM Family Medicine clinics.
Roadrunner Food Bank
Roadrunner Food Bank distributes food through a statewide network of hunger-relief partners and brings specialized programs to schools, low-income senior housing center, senior centers, and other locations. Please click the link to find out more.
The Food Depot
The Food Depot operates a range of programs designed to meet critical needs in the nine Northern New Mexico counties we serve. We help people of all ages with differing needs, those living in remote villages, as well as in our largest cities and towns. Please click the link to find out more.
The Summer Food Service Program
The Summer Food Service Program for Children provides nutritious meals to children during the summer months. When school lets out for the summer, children ages 1 through 18 can receive free nutritious meals. Please click the link to find out more.
NM Farmers’ Marketing Association
The New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association is dedicated to strengthening the local food system by supporting New Mexico agriculture producers and cultivating strong networks for a healthier New Mexico.
NM Department of Health
Syphilis is a reportable sexually transmitted disease (STD) with cases tracked by NMDOH. With stark increases primary and secondary syphilis in New Mexico since 2017, the state now ranks second in the nation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Congenital syphilis – when syphilis is passed from mother to child – presents a significant public health threat because it can lead to serious birth defects, miscarriage and infant death. Congenital syphilis and these complications are entirely preventable with timely testing and treatment.
Waterford Upstart
A free online program that helps children build foundational reading, math, and science skills in just 15-20 minutes a day. Waterford Upstart is designed to help families prepare their children for kindergarten. The adaptive programming gives each child an individual experience and focuses their learning at just the right level. Parents know where their child is excelling and where they need more practice.
Medicare Plans
Navigating Medicare‘s plans, benefits, and enrollments can be challenging and time consuming. Fully understand your Medicare rights with data-driven, fact-based information from Medicare industry experts and health professionals. We provide expert Medicare education and counseling so you can make the best choices for you and your loved ones.
NM Early Childhood and Care Department
The Department’s aim is to create a more cohesive, equitable, and effective early childhood system in New Mexico. That means coordinating a continuum of programs from prenatal to five—and ensuring that families in every corner of the state can access the services they need.
The Department also oversees child care programs—as well as food and nutrition programs—that serve older children and families.
VISION: All New Mexico families and young children are thriving
MISSION: Optimize the health, development, education, and well-being of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers through a family-driven, equitable, community-based system of high-quality prenatal and early childhood programs and services
Start Your Recovery is built for people in any stage of recovery — so it can be a tool to engage with patients who may be reluctant to seek treatment or to help their family members lend support.
CommonSpirit St. Joseph’s Children
With CommonSpirit St. Joseph’s Children’s Joyful Parenting Program babies DO come with instructions! Becoming a parent is an important life event. We recognize that it’s not easy. That is why we offer to partner with you on your journey by sharing our knowledge and curriculum through virtual visits. You can expect: Information on your baby’s brain development • Support in meeting developmental milestones • Access to many helpful family resources • Labor & delivery preparation • Support for breastfeeding • Nutrition guidance for baby and parents • Tips on how to advocate for your child • Prenatal and postpartum virtual visits • Fun learning activities. What to know: Virtual parenting partner visits are conducted via video conferencing or phone • There are no income requirements • We support the entire state of New Mexico • Our program supports your language and culture. Free help is here, just fill out our simple registration form at:
¡Con un compañero de crianza feliz de CommonSpirit St. Joseph’s Children los bebés SI vienen con instrucciones! Convertirse en padre es un acontecimiento importante en la vida. Reconocemos que no es fácil. Es por eso que ofrecemos asociarnos con usted en esta aventura compartiendo nuestro conocimiento y plan de estudios a través de las visitas virtuales. Expectativas: Información sobre el desarrollo del cerebro del bebé • Apoyo con los hitos del desarrollo • Acceso a varios recursos útiles • Preparación para el trabajo de parto • Apoyo para amamantar • Guía de nutrición para el bebé y padres • Tips de cómo abogar por su hijo • Visitas virtuales prenatales y posparto • Actividades divertidas de aprendizaje. Qué debe saber: Las visitas con su compañero de crianza son virtuales, por videollamada ó teléfono • No hay requisito de ingresos • Apoyamos a padres primerizos en todo Nuevo México • Nuestro programa apoya su lenguaje y cultura. Ayuda gratuita está aquí, solo llene este formato sencillo en:
New Mexico Health Care and Social Service Programs
New Mexico WIC offers every family with referrals to other NM programs to help them make healthy choices! Please click the link below to learn more about these programs.
New Mexico Department of Health
New Mexico WIC is administered by the New Mexico Department of Health. The mission of the New Mexico Department of Health is to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes, and assure safety net services for all people in New Mexico. For more information about all of the programs offered NM Department of Health programs, please click the following link.