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Becoming A Peer Counselor

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Peer Counselor Program

Becoming a Peer Counselor

Are you passionate about breastfeeding and working with familes?  Become a WIC Peer Counselor for your community. Find out the details below.

What Do Peer Counselors Do?


If you have breastfed your baby, you can use your experiences, when talking to WIC mothers. Your guidance to these mothers will help with increasing breastfeeding intitiation and duration rates in the State of New Mexico.


You will focus on helping WIC clients breastfed successfully by providing virtual, telephone, or in person one-to-one counseling.  You will keep accurate and complete documentation of all contacts made with WIC clients in the PC Program Google Workspace, which follows HIPPA requirements to keep client information confidential.


Peer counselors have more than personal experience. You will take a 20-hour training course that includes breastfeeding basics, counseling skills, and additional resources to provide to WIC clients. These trainings will help guide you to give evidence-based breastfeeding information and support to your clients.


Peer Counselors are trained to help with basic breastfeeding needs. If you, identify a high risk breastfeeding concern you may refer the WIC client to a lactation consultant, designated breastfeeding expert (DBE), or other health care professional.

  Become a WIC Peer Counselor!

  • Have been or are currently a WIC client
  • Have nursed or are nursing a baby
  • Be a paraprofessional:
    WIC Peer Counselors cannot hold licenses or certifications related to lactation or any health feilds (such as a CLC, childbirth education, doula, CNA, RN, Medical Assistant, ect.) or be practicing as an uncertified doula, childbirth educator, midwife, or lactation professional.
  • Paid training
  • Flexible hours
  • Scheduling when you are available
  • Educational opportunities

Contact your local WIC office  to see if they are seeking peer counselors in your area.


*Looking to Hire in July 2024!

  • Northeast Region- 1 PC in Taos. 
  • Southeast Region- 2 PC’s: 1 Bilingual PC in Artisa/Carlsbad, 1 PC in Tucumcari.


CLICK HERE to apply today!